Source code for ciphers.Engima

import string

from flask import jsonify
from flask_restful import Resource

import deprecated.CustomParser as Parser

[docs]class M3(Resource): """Represents the Enigma Machine used by the Wehrmacht/Heer. Attributes: slow_rotor:This is the leftmost rotor,the rotor that steps the least. medium_rotor: This is the middle rotor,the rotor that double steps. fast_rotor:This is the rightmost rotor, steps for every character. reflector: This is the chosen reflector, it defualts to B reflector. stecker_board: This is the generated stecker board. fast_counter: Counts the amount of times stepped for Fast Rotor medium_counter: Counts the amount of times stepped for Middle Rotor. slow_counter: Counts the amount of times stepped for Slowest Rotor. right_rotor_ring: Ring setting for the Fastest Rotor. middle_rotor_ring: Ring setting for the Slow Rotor. left_rotor_ring: Ring setting for the Slowest Rotor. rotor_choices:This is a dictionary of the five rotor's wiring and the stepping position for each rotor. reflector:This is a dictionary that stores the two reflectors used. """ def __init__(self): self.fast_rotor = rotor_choices[3] self.medium_rotor = rotor_choices[2] self.slow_rotor = rotor_choices[1] self.reflector = reflectorz['reflector_b'] self.stecker_board = set() self.max_pairs = 10 self.fast_counter = 25 self.medium_counter = 0 self.slow_counter = 0 self.right_rotor_ring = 0 self.middle_rotor_ring = 0 self.left_rotor_ring = 0
[docs] def get(self): """ This is for all get requests for Enigma. Returns: The message decoded/encoded. """ message = self.set_up() return jsonify({'message': (''.join(self.run_machine(message)))})
[docs] def set_up(self): """ Set up the machine according to user provided values. Returns: The user provided message. """ custom_parser = Parser.Parsely() custom_parser = custom_parser.parser_enigma() custom_parser = custom_parser.parse_args() self.create_stecker_board(custom_parser.stecker_pair) self.set_rotors(custom_parser.rotor_order[0], custom_parser.rotor_order[1], custom_parser.rotor_order[2]) self.set_rotors_intial_position(custom_parser.start_position) self.set_ring_setting(custom_parser.ring_setting) return custom_parser.message.upper().strip()
[docs] def run_machine(self, message): """ Runs through each character and encodes/decodes it. Args: message:The user provided message. Returns: The outout of encoding/decoding the message. """ output = [] for z in message: if ord(z) >= 65 and ord(z) <= 90: self.step_rotors() z = self.stecker_board_output(z) forward_encode = self.forward(z) lamp_outout = self.reflector_result(forward_encode) reverse_encode = self.reverse(lamp_outout) steckerboard_final = self.stecker_board_output(chr(reverse_encode + 65)) output.append(steckerboard_final) else: output.append(z) return output
[docs] def step_rotors(self): """ Steps the User Chosen Rotors of the Enigma Machine for each character. The Middle Rotor does contain the double step flaw. Returns: No return value,updates internal position of the rotor. Raises: KeyError: The key doesn't exist in the rotor. """ if chr(self.fast_counter + 65) is self.fast_rotor['step']: if chr(self.medium_counter + 65) is self.medium_rotor['step']: self.slow_counter += 1 self.medium_counter += 1 else: if chr(self.medium_counter + 65) is self.medium_rotor['step']: self.slow_counter += 1 self.medium_counter += 1 self.fast_counter += 1 if self.fast_counter > 25: self.fast_counter = 0 if self.slow_counter > 25: self.slow_counter = 0 if self.medium_counter > 25: self.medium_counter = 0
[docs] def set_rotors(self, slow, medium, fast): """ Sets the Rotors to use from User Input. Args: slow:This is the leftmost rotor,the rotor that steps the least. medium: This is the middle rotor,the rotor that double steps. fast:This is the rightmost rotor, steps for every character. Returns: No return value,updates internal reference of chosen rotor. Raises: ValueError: The passed in rotor string is not a valid integer """ self.fast_rotor = rotor_choices[int(fast)] self.medium_rotor = rotor_choices[int(medium)] self.slow_rotor = rotor_choices[int(slow)]
[docs] def set_rotors_intial_position(self, user_input): """ Sets the Rotors starting position. Args: user_input:The User Provided string of the rotors start position. Returns: No return values,updates the internal reference of the rotors position. """ user_input = user_input.upper() self.fast_counter = ord(user_input[2]) - 65 self.medium_counter = ord(user_input[1]) - 65 self.slow_counter = ord(user_input[0]) - 65
[docs] def check_valid_char(self, suspected_char): if ord(suspected_char) < 65 or ord(suspected_char) > 90: return False else: return True
# if this returns false, the system assumes everything is self-steckered
[docs] def check_stecker_restrictions(self, stecker_pair): """ Checks if user provided stecker board pairs is valid. Args: stecker_pair: String that represent the stecker board pairs. Returns: True or False if the user provided values are valid. """ no_spaces = stecker_pair.replace(" ", "") split_pair = stecker_pair.split() unique_chars = set(no_spaces) if len(no_spaces) != len(unique_chars) or len(split_pair) > self.max_pairs: if len(no_spaces) % 2 != 0: return False # need even number of pairs return False # raise the exception you reused a letter or had too many pairs else: return True
[docs] def create_stecker_board(self, wire_pairing): """ Thanks to Brian Neal's Enigma project as a reference steckerboard. Creates the Stecker Board based off the pairs provided by the User. Max amount of Pairs allowed are 10. Args: wire_pairing:Space seperated String that contains max 10 pairs IOT populate the Steckerboard.Example "AB HG LK ZI". Returns: No return values but can raise aborts if the request is malformed. """ if not wire_pairing: return string_pairs = wire_pairing.upper().split() # list of the combos print(string_pairs) pairs = set() # this will allow us to avoid checking repeats if self.check_stecker_restrictions(wire_pairing) is True: for combo in string_pairs: if self.check_valid_char(combo[0]) and self.check_valid_char(combo[1]) is True: x = combo[0] y = combo[1] if y != x and (y, x) not in pairs: pairs.add((x, y)) else: return False # raise an exception here so the api returns the error self.stecker_board = pairs print(self.stecker_board) else: print("failed")
[docs] def stecker_board_output(self, char_to_be_stecker): """ The result of the character passing through the steckerboard. Args: char_to_be_stecker: The current character to pass through the stecker. Returns: Either returns a character that is self-steckered or the result of the steckerboard. """ stecker = self.stecker_board if not stecker: print("stecker 1") return char_to_be_stecker for pair in stecker: print(pair) if char_to_be_stecker in pair: a, b = pair if char_to_be_stecker != a: return a else: return b else: print("stecker 2") return char_to_be_stecker
[docs] def reflector_result(self, char): return self.reflector[char]
[docs] def set_ring_setting(self, user_input): user_input = user_input.upper() self.right_rotor_ring = ord(user_input[2]) - 65 self.middle_rotor_ring = ord(user_input[1]) - 65 self.left_rotor_ring = ord(user_input[0]) - 65
[docs] def forward(self, user_input): """ The character is passed through the machine right to left. Args: user_input: The message to be passed through the machine. Returns: The char encoded/decoded is returned. """ #create a dict with tuples for the settings current_char = (ord(user_input) - 65) % 26 for y in range(3, 0, -1): if y is 3: ring = self.right_rotor_ring count = self.fast_counter elif y is 2: ring = self.middle_rotor_ring count = self.medium_counter else: ring = self.left_rotor_ring count = self.slow_counter trans = (((current_char - ring) % 26) + count) % 26 encoded = rotor_choices[y]['wiring'][trans] xx = (((ord(encoded) - 65) % 26) - count) % 26 before_ring = (xx + ring) % 26 current_char = before_ring return current_char
[docs] def reverse(self, user_input): """ The character is passed through the machine left to right. Args: user_input: The message to be passed through the machine. Returns: The char encoded/decoded is returned. """ current_char = (ord(user_input) - 65) % 26 for y in range(1, 4): if y is 3: ring = self.right_rotor_ring count = self.fast_counter elif y is 2: ring = self.middle_rotor_ring count = self.medium_counter else: ring = self.left_rotor_ring count = self.slow_counter trans = (((current_char - ring) % 26) + count) % 26 encoded = rotor_choices[y]['wiring'].index(string.ascii_uppercase[trans]) xx = (encoded - count) % 26 before_ring = (xx + ring) % 26 if y is 3: before_ring = before_ring % 26 current_char = before_ring return current_char
rotor_choices = { 1: { 'wiring': 'EKMFLGDQVZNTOWYHXUSPAIBRCJ', 'step': 'Q' }, 2: { 'wiring': 'AJDKSIRUXBLHWTMCQGZNPYFVOE', 'step': 'E' }, 3: { 'wiring': 'BDFHJLCPRTXVZNYEIWGAKMUSQO', 'step': 'V' }, 4: { 'wiring': 'ESOVPZJAYQUIRHXLNFTGKDCMWB', 'step': 'J' }, 5: { 'wiring': 'VZBRGITYUPSDNHLXAWMJQOFECK', 'step': 'Z' }, } reflectorz = { 'reflector_b': 'YRUHQSLDPXNGOKMIEBFZCWVJAT', # b reflector 'reflector_c': 'FVPJIAOYEDRZXWGCTKUQSBNMHL' # c reflector }