Source code for ciphers.Vigenere

from flask_restful import Resource

from deprecated.CustomParser import Parsely

[docs]class Vig(Resource):
[docs] def get(self): parser= Parsely() parser=parser.parser_vig() args = parser.parse_args() if args.mode is 0: return self.encode(args.message,args.privateKey) else: return self.decode(args.message,args.privateKey)
[docs] def print_tabula(self): """ Print out a reference tabula recta. Returns: A Tabula Recta in String format. """ recta = [] for i in range(0, 26): line = '' for ii in range(0, 26): line = line + (chr(65 + ((ii + i) % 26))) recta.append(line) return recta
[docs] def encode(self,plainext, keyword): """ Encode the message using the supplied values. The key dictates the row to use and the plaintext dictates the column. Args: plainext:The message to be encoded. keyword: The private key to be used for the message. Returns: The encoded message using the provided values. """ cipher_text = [] for c in range(len(plainext)): cipher_text.append(chr((((ord(plainext[c]) - 65) + (ord(keyword[c % len(keyword)]) - 65)) % 26) + 65)) return cipher_text
[docs] def decode(self,cipher, keyword): """ Same as Encoding but subtract the key from the cipher text. """ plain = [] for c in range(len(cipher)): plain.append(chr((((ord(cipher[c]) - 65) - (ord(keyword[c % len(keyword)]) - 65)) % 26) + 65)) return plain